Friday, November 6, 2009

Seven Days in the Art World: Chapter 3

"An artist doesn't become an artist in one day, so a collector shouldn't become a collector in a day. It's a lifetime process."

Don and Mera Rubell say, “Sometimes I'm embarressed to identify myself as a collector. It's about being rich, privileged, and powerful," "There is an implied incompetence. Out of everyone in the art world, collectors are the east professional. All they have to do is write a check.”

"With young artists, you find the greatest purity... It's not just about buying a piece. It's about buying into someone's life and where they are going with it. It's a mutual commitment, which is pretty intense."

Don Rubell: "First if an artist is going to make one good work, then there is no sense in fighting over it. Second, a collection is a personal vision. No one can steal your vision."

I have never experienced or read about an art collector’s side of the art world, so this chapter was interesting and enlightening.

Galleries discover and develop artists, dealerships trade in art objects

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