Monday, November 2, 2009

Grad School/Programs

I am definitely not going to grad school after receiving my BFA. I don't think having a MFA is going to make a difference in the field of graphic design, or any other art related field. I think having experience in your field is much more valuable than having a piece of paper that says you received your MFA. That may sound naive, however I am a strong believer that employers would rather have a talented individual with a strong portfolio and EXPERIENCE, than someone who spent eight years in school just to say they are masters in their field (and still may suck). For the purpose of completing this assignment, I looked up a couple of schools that I would possibly go to for my MFA. They are: Pratt Institute, Savannah College of Art and Design, Columbia University, Parsons, or SVA. I went to Pratt for a year before transferring to Rutgers, so if I decided to get my MFA, I would definitely go to Pratt Institute.

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